Wednesday 25 October 2017

New Address

Thankfully, we have safely made it to our new home (for the next 8 months) will all of our luggage and in good health! We have been warmly welcomed by old and new friends are thankful to have a home to stay in (with a nice basketball hoop and an old Land Cruiser to use). We even managed to get 4 bikes left here up and running (yes, the bike repair guy transported all of them on the back of his moto).

Within the past 2 weeks we have wrapped up our brief language training, transported twenty some suitcases over thousands of miles, stockpiled food food for a family of 8, made some serious climate adjustments, and started new school and new work. Whew!

It is good to be here. I am proud of the flexibilty and resiliency of this team!

We thank God for protection in our travels and the kindness of people we have encountered on the journey.


  1. Always love a Huber update!! That's quite the way to transport bikes!

  2. Agree with Em- we enjoy any updates! What is the building in the background of the first picture? The bike transport is quite resourceful!

  3. Appreciate the update! Great pictures and always good to hear from you!

  4. Journey of a lifetime - love the detailed updates! Love and prayers!

  5. Wow! May God continue to strengthen you all! We will keep praying.
    The LCS Third Grade Class

  6. Praying for you guys! So impressed by the whole family's resilience and resourcefulness!

  7. Your family is amazing! Love reading your updates! I will miss chatting with you at the Pfledderer weekend! My visits with you are always one of my highlights of the weekend!
